Credit Report
Learn more about your credit report - financial accounts, personal information, correction, and searches.
- Why is an old account showing as a new account in my report?
- Handling a Loved One’s Credit Report After They Pass Away
- Why is my balance not up to date?
- How long until information gets updated on my credit report?
- What is a credit report?
- How can I get help with debt?
- What’s a Query marker?
- How opening new account affects my score?
- Why did changing my address cause my score to go down?
- Password Notice Of Correction (NoC)
- Why is my current account showing late payments (also known as in arrears)?
- Why you received a notification of changes to your credit report?
- What do changes in your report mean?
- What information is in my credit report?
- How long does information stay in my credit report?
- How often are credit report and scores updated?
- What are 'Insights'?
- How can I improve my credit use (or utilisation)?
- Why missed and late payments stay on your report?
- What are hard searches?
- Why is a DR directors search showing up as a hard search on my credit report?
- What are soft searches?
- What are debt collector searches?
- What are secured and unsecured loans?
- What's a mortgage?
- What's a missed payment?
- What's the electoral roll?
- Why is my John Lewis account now showing as HSBC?
- Why is my existing Nationwide account showing in my report as new?
- When will my electoral roll registration be updated?