Here are some reasons why your credit report might have incorrect or missing information:
It can take up to 5 weeks for your credit report to update and show changes. To see your balances in real-time, it’s best to check with your bank or providers. It’s likely your balance will show what it was 5 weeks prior your new report was generated.
If your current balance is showing as £0 – this doesn't mean that there's no money in your account. It refers to the overdraft used on that account.
If your balance hasn’t changed and you’ve spoken to the provider or lender, allow 5 weeks. If it’s still isn't showing correctly, read more about how to correct your credit report information.
The financial account is showing under a different company name
Some companies use different trading names to the ones shown in your report. It's worth doing a search on the internet to see if you recognise the account name.
Your lender doesn't share their information
Not all providers share their information with Equifax. If this is the case, we won’t be able to show this account on your report.
You've recently opened or closed an account
If an account has been recently opened, it can take up to 5 weeks to show on your credit report while Equifax waits for an update from the lender. Keep checking your report regularly for any updates.
Your address is out of date or incorrect
If you've moved house and recently updated your lenders with your new address, this can take up to 5 weeks to show on your report. Read more about updating your current address in our article.
Your savings account doesn’t have a credit facility
If your savings account doesn't have an overdraft facility, it might not be considered a 'credit account' and may not show up on your report.
Your account history is older than six years
If an account is more than 6 years old, it could be missing from your report because it's unlikley that the credit reference agencies will still hold this older data.