Reports & Scores
Learn more about your credit & Affordability scores, reports and how to correct your information.
Credit Report
- Why is an old account showing as a new account in my report?
- Handling a Loved One’s Credit Report After They Pass Away
- Why is my balance not up to date?
- How long until information gets updated on my credit report?
- What is a credit report?
- How can I get help with debt?
Credit Scores
- What is a credit score?
- What is my ClearScore credit score out of?
- How can I improve my score?
- Why hasn't my credit score changed?
- Do all lenders use the ClearScore credit score?
- What can impact your score?
How you look to lenders
- How often is your 'How you look to lenders' report updated?
- What impacts how you look to lenders?
- How savings affect how you look to lenders?
- Why 'How you look to lenders' section is incorrect?
- Do Monzo pots count towards How you look to lenders report?
- What's the difference between credit and How you look to lenders reports?
Correcting information on my credit report
- Why is there incorrect or missing information in my credit report?
- Someone I don’t know is on my credit report
- How can I correct information in my credit report?
- How do I change my bankruptcy/CCJ/IVA information?
- Why is my electoral roll information missing/incorrect?
- What if I'm not eligible to vote in the UK?