No. No matter how many times you use ClearScore to check your credit report and score, it won’t affect your credit score.
At ClearScore, we’re here to give you control over your financial situation, and this starts with your credit score and report.
Reviewing your credit report will result in a 'quotation' or 'personal' search (known as a soft search), but only you can see this search on your report.
If you apply for credit, the lender will review your credit report and a 'credit application search' (a hard search) will be added to your report. You’ll be asked for your permission before this happens, don’t worry. Credit application searches are shown to other lenders because they may represent new debt that doesn't yet show on your credit report as an account. Credit application searches can affect your credit score.
You should check your report regularly to make sure you are managing your credit well and to help detect any signs of fraud.